The End of a Series

I always hate when a good series ends, though it's always better to finish early than to end late. I heavily dragged my feet on finishing this series because I loved it so much. The growth of the individual relationships and the group as a whole was done very well. I'm glad that they will finally get their opportunity to live out their lives together without fear. I can't say honestly if this book had dead spots or not because i was just stuck. I didn't want to finish it yall!! I finally have and I want to start back all over again *ugly cries*. This book had so many lows but was balanced with powerful highs. I thought I was gonna cry within the first 2-3 chapters!! Learning more about the god-bonds and how long they have been cycling was so sad. They really just wanted to be happy and together but instead had to watch as the other was mercilessly killed over and over again. There were so many deaths in this book!! Some of them hurt and others were...