End of the Month Wrap Up - November '24

Another month has ended. This month along with the end of the previous month has been very heavy for me. It is definitely reflected in how many books I was able to read this month. I only was able to get to 7 books this month. A lot of them were re-reads and then the rest were either ARC reads or audible. I spent a lot of time with family since there was a major loss for me this season. I enjoyed the books that I did read and I don't think I DNF'd any books this month. Which is a return to my normal since I never used to DNF books. With that being said, lets look back at what I read this month: Favorite Character - Shara (Queen Takes Rook): I really loved Shara in this book! She was showing that she was prepared to do what is needed. We are able to see her put her trust in her men in action. She is able to stay cool and level headed between all the things that are thrown her way in this book. Then we also get the reveals with what New York actually means to her. It ...