What Happens When We Die?

This is my first book from my Romance Reveal Book Box!! I was very excited to finally try a physical book again. It's been so long!! I must say it's not as glamorous as I remembered. Many a night I went to go to bed and read only to realize I was tormenting my partner with lights when he's used to us sleeping with lights off. Definitely made things a struggle. Though it felt nice to use a book mark again and to also see my progress as I went through the book. Well let's jump into the review!! This book is the story of how Elle had a life changing experience and how it changed her perspective on how she was living her life. It also helped her change her serious and gloomy boss. I liked how Elle was able to stop and smell the roses despite the fact that she lived in New York and most people just wanted to speed through life. Her, meeting her boss in person and then essentially helping him change his neices l...