
Showing posts from September 1, 2024

Leather and Lace - Review

  Apparently I didn't put up my review for this book so here it goes! In this book we meet the Rebel Ridge MC and it's new Prez JR. We also meet Wren who just moved to the area. This is definitely an age gap romance. Since JR is Wren's best friends older brother. They fall hard and fast for each other. The main thing standing in their way is Wren's family and apparently a rivalry that Wren didn't even know that she is secretly a part of. This is definitely a fast paced romance where we run into my favorite trope again, parents behaving badly! They did something that I didn't think even happened in 2024. Not to mention, there is a particular parent that just seems to hate their own child and continues to be a force working against them. I enjoyed the romance and how they are able to incorporate more of the women in this world that is normally very male dominated. The spice in this book was hot. Wren and JR definitely kept the spice coming and I enjoyed it! I give

Satin & Steel - Review

  This book reintroduces us to Frost and Hailee. We met them in the first book but now we get to see how they became a couple. Not to mention we also get to see how the fall out of the situation with the Reapers is going to be. Now it also introduces us to another MC known as the Jokers. This introduction brought in a mafia family as well. This is my first time reading from this author so this feels like a tie in to another series with how the Mazitti Crime family is introduced to us. Either way new BA women was brought to the scene and I will never say no to strong FMCs. Now though this adds in some issues on multiple fronts. Of course we get introduced to more people who I could see having something to do with the next books. The way that things play out in this book though was crazy! As soon as you think things are resolved everything kinda blows up in the faces of the characters that we have come to know and love. This book ends on a cliff hanger where we don't know what is abo

Queen Takes King - Review

  This book was really spicy!! This one has a little bit of plot movement but it's mainly Shara increasing the number of her Blood, which means lots of spicy time! So we start this book with there just being 2 blood with Shara and by the time we end this book there are six all together. So now we have Mehen (Dragon), Dare (War Cat), Alrik (Rock Troll), G (War Horse), Shen (Wolf), Naverre (Crow). One of the mentioned men is a King. One of ancient orgin who vowed to not bend. Luckily we also get some movement with Shara. So she begins to establish her nest in this book. That is one of the most important things for her to do. Then she had to travel to get one of the blood that I listed. Due to that she encounters another Queen. In this book she doesn't meet her yet but I do think that they meet in the next book. There was some more lore dump here as well as meeting some not so nice Queens and a meeting with an evil god. I loved that this book was longer than the first one and we w

End of the Month Review - August 24

 I did not get to as many books as I wanted or was supposed to this month. August is just going to be a really rough month for me. But with it in my rear view, I am looking forward to September and what it will bring! I had some great reads this month! I can't say that there was really any books that were disappointing for me! I enjoyed all of the books that I had the opportunity to read. Even if they were not what I was looking for I would always suggest that you always pick up a book for yourself. Every story isn't for everyone but when they are, they are GREAT! So with that being said, let's recap the 12 books that I managed to read this month!             Favorite Character -   Honor (Beneath Your Beautiful): I absolutely loved Honor. She went through so much in this book that I just can't imagine. The way that her husband treated her and the manipulation that he was doing to everyone around him. It was just terrible so the fact that she had the strength to still re

Katherine - ARC Review

  Another great entry in the Maw of Mayhem series by AK Nevermore! Katherine sees our favorite duo Grim and Kat back at it again! They are now trying to stabilize everything from the madness that happened after the takeover! And there is so much to be done. Getting the Molly's straight is just the half of it when you consider that they also have an entire world to save. I enjoyed this book and I'm hoping there is another book in this series. I honestly can't get enough of these two! I also couldn't believe it's only been 5 days! When they mentioned that Grim has only known her for a few days, I was like omg! All of this takes place in one day?!?!? There is sooo much going on that I'm not surprised that they are constantly sleeping and tired! There is so much happening! Not to mention, we just dealt with betrayel from people we thought were on our side...well don't think it stops in this book! I was shocked with some of the reveals in this book! Like complete

Mafia Scars - Review

In the second book in this series we finally get some truths about what happened and what is really going on. It's honestly heartbreaking. Though a little strange for a mafia family as well. You'd think there'd be a little loyalty but alas there definitely was not. This book picks up where the first one left off with Amelia trying to reconcile the fact that the man that she loves is in a career that forced her to leave her father and everything she'd loved behind. Of course Luc couldn't stay away and they end up reuniting. They still have a problem on the hands in the name of Victor to figure out though. We get a lot of flashbacks in this book from both characters. We find out what happens when Amelia was younger that made her leave and how it exactly played out. Also we get a little peak into single Luke. As things escalate in Cali we jump to Chicago where everything began. We know there is a rat in Cali and then we begin to slowly realize that there is also a rat