Queen Takes Triune - Review

This brings me re-read of this series to an end. Now there is nothing but new things to start with this series and I can't wait. The author heard the desperate cries of her fandom and brought us back to the world of Shara and her Blood. For this book in particular, I couldn't wait to see how things were going to go against a Queen the likes of Marne Ceresa. Sure enough it was interesting. Marne showed that there is a reason that she is Triune Queen and put Shara to the test. I enjoyed reading the back and forth between these two. It will be interesting to see if Marne decides to be on Shara's side if and when she goes against the Dauphine. Shara showed more growth in this book and I can't wait to see how the continues. We also get to see more of her blood and their internal thoughts in this book. Some of them we hadn't heard from in awhile and they got their shine in this book. I really appreciated that. They tend to fall into the background with so many big person...