Fairytale Retellings

We are definitely in an era when everyone is doing a fairytale retelling of some sort...or just a retelling period. Right now though we're just going to stick to the fairy tails. There are definitely some popular ones that are going on right now such as Peter Pan, Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast. They are all different in how the author has deemed to view the characters and interpret the story, which has made for a refreshing book reading experience. Of course there are some that are out there in abundance right now, which include the 3 that I mentioned already. I was hoping that with this new push into retellings that we would get some of the weirder and even out there fairytale's retold by someone who makes you love the characters despite everything. I mean, I would absolutely love it of there was someone who did something outside of the norm. Make the people that we think is the bad guy a good guy or a story that we wouldn't think that we woul...