
Showing posts from November 12, 2023

Unholy Matrimony Review

Hold on.... my phone is still coming down for how HOT the spice is in this book!! If you need a nice pallet cleanser then this is it right here.  It has enough spice to drown out any other book you might have read that left you wanting something a little hotter. The story itself is a little predictable until the end.  Though Kalina does throw in some curve balls for ya.  She definitely surprised me sometimes.  The little church girl has some kick to her!! There is a lot of foreshadowing of what happens at the end but how it all went down was surprising to say the least.      Like I said earlier the spice is spicing in this book.  Like maybe a 10 out of 5 because whew.  It was hot. Burning off the pages. Overall I gave this book a 3 out of 5. I like a good balance in my books but I'm definitely not mad at the spice. Like whew, if you ever need a little moment,  pick this up because it'll get ya there.  My main gripes with...

Bound to the Playboy Billionaire Review!

   This book was....interesting. It had some good parts but for the most part felt very disjointed. I don't mind a book that starts out with the spicy but I didn't really care for the way this one did it. I knew from the start that it wasn't going to feel very cohesive when the main characters first met and had a one night stand. It didn't flow right. Like one second the FMC is intoxicated and is falling asleep to then she's awake and banging the MMC. Which idk maybe it's because when I'm intoxicated enough to fall asleep, that's pretty much all I'm going to be doing that night. Most of the things that happened didn't feel believable because it wasn't thorough enough. Like I believed the main characters disliked each other more than anything because most of the time we see them, they don't really seem to like each other. Then BAM, oops I tripped into love. But also don't mind me crying and in general disliking the guy. Who...

Warrior Fae Review!

    The conclusion of this series was long and heart breaking!! We finally find out what happened to Gareth and OMG it hurt. I felt all the things. The ending of this book was just whew full of emotes. I liked the story overall but felt like this one could have been cut more.  There were some things that didn't feel like it was necessary to the plot that were just thrown in. Like I would have preferred more depth to the ending portion than the randoms that popped up in the middle of the story. It didn't take away from the enjoyment of the story but once you hit the ending you realize the wasted time. I think it was a good conclusion to the series but it still left me wanting more.  Which I guess we get in the next series Zodiac Academy.  Though mainly through random reappearances of characters from this one. I'm on the fence about starting that series.  We'll see how things go.       The spice was spicing in this one....