
Showing posts from August 18, 2024

Dark Wolf Soul - Review

I enjoyed this book immensely! I have a soft spot for shifter books. PNR just is my jam and this has multiple elements of that and add in mafia? Like, I don't know why I never thought to see these two things mixed together but after reading this book it just...makes sense! Lexi is a woman living day to day trying to make ends meet. So when she gets kidnapped and is told that in actuality she is mafia shifter royalty. She is completely taken aback. I think she has the reaction that any person would have in that situation. Since she was brought up the way she did, it just didn't make any sense. She questioned everything and tried to make sense of the mess that was becoming her life. Of course the answers that she got were not what she thought she would get. This time instead of parents behaving badly (in her case) we have grandparents behaving badly. We all try to find a sense of family in life and when she does does not have the desired affect. Then we have our handsome

Queen Takes Knights - Review

 So, this review is about to be completely biased. I absolutely LOVE this series and so I have nothing bad to say about it. I would and constantly do recommend this book to anyone and everyone who will give it a chance. Shara is someone who I think is an amazing character because she is someone who is not afraid to love the things and people that others would turn away. She goes against the grain with everything that she is and I love her for that. She is able to go with how she feels instead of what she is told and is "supposed" to do. Even when she doesn't know the result of what she is doing she trust herself and her blood enough to step out on faith and do those things. She is rewarded throughout this story for that. I will stick to what happens in this book in particular. After a traumatic event that happened when she was younger she is able to keep herself alive when not many other people would have been able to. This determination is something that I admire in her.

Stay With Me - Review

This book was so good! This is my first book from this author and I'm definitely going back for seconds. Angela and Ryan were adorable! I listened to this on audible and at first it was hard to understand the male narrator but after awhile it was easy and I loved hearing him. The story was beautiful! It dealt with a lot of real life issues without making them super heavy. I liked the interaction between the sisters, which reminded me so much of my own. Most of the men were terrible to the women in this book but then there were examples of men who were good to their women as well. Then there was also the misunderstandings. Usually I dislike miscommunication in books but this was very understandable. They were in a situation that was bad for the both of them and their relationship. They had to find a way to work around it. The fact that they treated it and the reconciliation like two people with understood each other was nice to see. It wasn't drawn out and felt perfe

The Wolf's Mate - ARC Review

  We are heading back to Mescos folks! This is not a drill! I was so happy to be back in this world! This time we are in the Lycan Forest with Hettie and Rip! We are again facing a dangerous sickness that is taking the wolf shifters out slowly. I enjoyed meeting Hettie, even though there was a few times I wanted to shake her a bit. She reminds me of Megumi from Jujutsu Kaisen (shameless anime plug). She is always willing to sacrifice herself instead of staying for the hard things and pushing through. Even though it is understandable giving what she left behind in Grym Hollow. Speaking of, I do wish we got a little bit more of her in the human realm. We weren't really able to build that connection to what she had their like we were able to with Rose. We saw her interact with her family before she left which semented her feelings for us. Instead we meet Hettie when she's already on her way out. The things that happened to her in Grym Hollow though have such a profound effect on H