
Showing posts from June 30, 2024

Alpha Captured - ARC Review

       This review took me awhile to actually make. Not because I didn't like the book or anything...just because this is a novella and I had to wrap my head around making a fair review for it. It's been awhile since I've read a novella. This one was nice. Since the characters already knew each other it was easy for them to come back together. Learning just how the knew each other made everything very interesting. This was definitely a funny and silly bit of high jinks. I think that this would be a very nice short pallet cleanser type of read for anyone who was in need of something to clear their mind after something heavy and dark. Though this definitely actually had it's sad moments. Learning how they knew each other was very sad. Also learning about what was actually going on with Lilou also made things sad. Other than that it's a very light story.      Since this was a short read there wasn't really much spice in it. I give it a 2 out of 5. There was somethi

My Bloodline - Review

  This book was a good read! I had the opportunity to read it as part of the Butterfly Book Club and it was very enjoyable with all the things that included in the box. The prompts made me think more about what I had just read while the challenges made me more engaged with the story! Luna had the rug pulled from beneath her when she was "invited" to Featherstone Academy. School for all folks evil and corrupt. She is forced to realize that she might not know what she thinks about the people around her. Everything changes once she enters the academy. It was so interesting to see how things played out here. We still have so much to learn about her and the guys that end up being hers. Of course not everyone she meets is going to be her friend...aka Wren. Finding out what exactly the deal is with Wren, her mother and Luna's mother is going to be so interesting. Throw in there we have no clue about her dad and how he died and there is just the perfect mix of mystery to keep you

End of the Month Wrap Up - June 24

 I'm a little late writing this but better late never right?! June was another busy month in the book streets!! I gained a new subscription and I'm looking forward to getting the books that will be coming with it. I had a lot of ARC's this month. Some that definitely opened my eyes to some new authors and that I can't wait to get more of! There are a lot of continuing books that I can't wait to read more of! This next month I'm hoping to be more relaxed when it comes to popping out the ARC reads. Also, I'm just about done with my Goodreads challenge!! I think I only have about 7 books left to read before the end of the year to complete my challenge! I'm so proud of myself for sticking it through in the times that I thought I wasn't going to be able to read one more page. Thanks to everyone for sticking with me and reading and liking my reviews! We're going to finish out the year strong and see where things take us! Now, let's get to the books

Barbarian Alien - Review

We are back again on the Ice Planet!! This time we are following Liz and Rahosh as they navigate matehood. Of course everything is peachy when they first get together considering Liz wants absolutely nothing to do with Rahosh or any of the other aliens. She wants time to adjust after hearing the news of never being able to leave again and needing to get a parasite implanted to live. Rahosh of course is only all too happy to finally find a mate and he's willing to break the rules in order to make sure she's his. We spend the majority of this book out in the wilds with them as they begin to get to know each other and face the harsh and unforgiving landscape of the ice planet. Good thing for Liz is that she's always been the outdoorsy type and this is right up her alley. The story that unfolds between the two of them was beautiful! We get some interaction with the other humans as well as a chance to see more of cave life with the tribe. More things get explained an

A Cage of Crimson - ARC Review

Wow. I don't know if I have accurate words to express how I feel after reading this book. So much to unpack here. Firstly, I'll say I'm so excited for Hadriel to be back. His witty banter has always been a highlight for me. Those quick witted comebacks are killer!! We finally dive back in with Weston and whew...I was not ready! This man can dirty talk his way into the best of spicy daydreams. I mean wow. Then we have Aurelia. This poor girl has been THROUGH it!! I feel for her so much! She is a change from Finley slightly. Finley was BA almost from jump. Meanwhile Aurelia has been hidden away from the world and just really experiencing everything. What she lacks in BA department she more than makes up for with her confidence and her ability to stand on what she knows. We do see flashes of her strength and her potential to be as BA as Finley became. I don't really have much negative things to say about this book. It was really good and I enjoyed jumping back