Your Bloodline - Review

I think this book was better than the first one! I really enjoyed the first one and missed this book when I had to put it down. It was so enjoyable! The antics from the characters and the drama from the villains really made this worth it. We are able to learn so many new things in this book that it just really made it feel like non stop entertainment. I would definitely recommend this series. I didn't want this one to end. And that announcement at the end! Ma'am excuse me. I was seriously about to just jump into the next book because I don't know if I'll be able to wait long enough to get back to the next one. It's already downloaded. No spoilers because every reveal in this book is so worth it. Every. Last. One. That's all I got. Start the series. The spice was off the chizarts ok. I mean, there is almost everything that you could ask for in this book.5 out of 5 on the spice scale. This was such an enjoyable read that I just have to recommend it. I also have ...