
Showing posts from June 23, 2024

Watchers - ARC Review

What a Rollercoaster ride that was!! My emotions were up and down and all around!! I'm so glad we get to see a glimpse of how Cass and Dame are doing!! I really loved them as a couple and I hope we get more as this series progresses!! This story though was about Bash and Syl! I'm so glad we got to see the other side of her. From the first book she was just a desperate woman who wasn't exactly the nicest. In this book we get to see the motivation behind her actions and how Pack Singer and it's ways has effected so many people and their psyche. This book was a little deeper on that side in that we see 2 new sides to the issue than from book 1. I felt for both of them as they struggled to fit into roles that neither of them wanted or had a choice in. The rules forced on them by the pack also affected their other relationships with family members as we see detailed even more in this book. I really liked how all this was explained and explored throughout this boo

Sweet Briar- ARC Review

This book was short and sweet! This was a delicious retelling of Sleeping Beauty! I admit I do love this version much better than the Disney version we got. Briar, was cursed to wait until she experienced truth loves kiss and embraced her truth to be awakened fully. I loved that it told that as a princess she didn't have be a damsel and just take what the world gave her. If she wanted it she would have to fight for it. Same could be said of Killian. He was someone used to fighting but he never fought for himself, only for others. They both had to face this in order to get their true happy ever after.  The spice in this book was nice. There wasn't much since it was a short and quick story but it was still good! 3 out of 5 on the spice scale! Overall I'd give this a 4 out of 5. It was a good read that told the story short and sweet. There were some minor inconsistencies with the continuity but I chalk it up to space in-between writing. It didn't detract much f

Shattered Hearts- ARC Review

There aren't many stories out there that reach in a touch your soul. This book was one of them. Seeing the reconciliation between Dom and Zoe was so beautiful. The world tries so hard to break us everyday so having the right people on your corner is always a must. Luckily Zoe had that. She had a lot of trauma to work through to get to a place where she could accept the love that Dom was giving her. It was amazing to read and see them get from where they were at the end of the first book to where they ended with this book. I'm glad there wasn't a weird break up but more of a realization on the part of Zoe. I really loved this story and I hope we are able to get some I sight into some of the others we've met on this journey. I would highly recommend this book! This duet was amazing and powerful!  With a book like this it's hard to add a spice rating because there was so many other things that made this book great. The spice was still popping though. Dom an

Wretched - Review

 I really enjoyed this book! I feel like we rarely get to explore romance books where the FMC is the "bad guy" who is out doing the bad deeds and is a power in her own right. We get that in more with Evelyn in this book! She works in the shadows but is a boss to be reckoned with. Once she's sent out on a mission you might as well say it's complete! I really enjoyed her and all her flaws. I loved that despite all the things that were out to make her truly into someone bad she still managed to have a soft side. Even though the only person who was really able to see it was Nick. I liked that this time he was the one who had to grapple with the idea of loving someone who was out here taking folks out left and right. There was an edge of danger to everything that he experienced with Evelyn before they actually gave into each other.  Seeing him grapple with his demons and his morality was such a nice change! Even though everyone would say that her actions were bad at the en

A Summoned Husband - ARC Review

This book was...different. You can essentially say it was a full cast novel. Every character had a personality and you got to know all of them. Like all of them. This book probably took place over like a week or something so every day felt detailed out. Every hour was filled. Eden, our FMC, was intensely relatable. She was hanging out with her girls and ended up married to a demon, after a drunken night of wine and good times. This started a landslide of events that was crazy and unexpected! Her relationship with her friends and her grandparents was something I think we all have had at one point. I really enjoyed that. Even the annoying parts of friendships and elders. I felt more like this was a who dun it than focused mainly on the Romance. Eden does fall for Asmodeus, said demon husband, but it took a backseat to the story. If love to learn more about the witches. They seemed to have an interesting story to tell. I was definitely more invested in figuring out what they h