
Showing posts from July 14, 2024

The Final Hunt - Review

  This book is not usually one that I would pick up but my partner convinced me to give it a try. Throughout this entire thing I couldn't help but gasp....not because I was shocked but because the FMC kept doing everything that you shouldn't do in a book. Everything is going to come back to haunt you in the long run. The way that this book ended made it seem like the actions that this woman decided to take is going to do exactly that. This book is just....crazy. There is a woman who discovers that her husband is actually a serial killer....of course this is after he gets mauled by bears. It also shows how much the media and the invasion of privacy can drive a person crazy. Sometimes a story isn't worth someone's sanity and the media don't get that sometimes. So we see that play out here. Then of course the court of public opinion is also brought out. Luckily there is a good detective who is able to find out the truth of things. Not of course before things get taken

Claiming the Dhampir- ARC Review

This book was a nice conclusion to this Trilogy. We finally see Lorna claim all her guys. I was so excited when she finally was able to get Nathan and Elliot. I will say the reveal just makes me want to stay in this world even longer. I don't want it to end. Being able to see how things could be with everyone just felt like a taste. I'd gladly jump back into this world to learn more about the guys or even to see how Lorna grows from here. There was fighting and reveals and just much. We meet the fae queens in this book and the king of the underworld himself!  The spice in this book was ok. I was kinda hoping we were going to get what we were teased with but alas Sara edged us into oblivion. I'd give the spice a 3 out of 5. It was ok. Since the book is short it didn't get too hot and heavy. Overall I give this book a 3. I wanted a little more from this book. It could have been longer considering it was the ending of this series. I will say it has wet my appetite

It Kills Me - Review

 This was a good read. I enjoyed getting to know Scarlett and Axel. They were both people in unique situations in their lives due to the actions and reactions of their parents. There is a lot of parents behaving badly in this book. Like both of their parentals are kinda trash honestly. You can kinda understand the actions of their parents but at the same time both of them are on the extremes. Both of them are also now affecting their children in major ways. I found myself yelling at Scarlett multiple times. I was also yelling at Axel just as much but for different reasons. There was a lot of "you're a woman so you shouldn't be in this field" when she has proven, at least to us the reader that she definitely can. Though I will agree that she is a little naive to some things but for the most part she is good at what she does. There is definitely something going on behind the scenes with her dad that I am very curious about. I also wonder if he plans to marry off Scarlet