
Showing posts from July 7, 2024

Mafia Boss - Review

  This was a good read and kept up the spice train that I was riding the last few books! I didn't want this book to end! So when I got to the last chapter and things just ended...I was hurt! I wanted more! The mystery and the drama of this book was really good. Even though I knew that things weren't going to end well for Luc, I still wanted Amelia to understand and want to lead from the darkside with him! Then things started getting crazy! It just has me all up in the air and I want to learn more about what the heck is really going on! There is so much at play in this book that I don't even know where to begin in terms of figuring out what the mystery might indeed be! All we know is that at this point is that there is something with Amelia that is precious enough that her dad couldn't come out plainly and say what he wanted and people are dying for it. This is just intense. I can't wait to pick up the next book so I can dive in and find out what the heck is going on

Breeder and Breaker - ARC Review

  So...I really feel like I'm going to like this series. So I'm going to start with the novella prequel to the main book. In Breeder we meet Kara and see how things started out for her. Things are not going good for her and it just seems like she wanted to claim something as  her own and she is able to do that. Unfortunately that also comes with consequences. I liked this mini story. I hope that we get more from Rogan at some point. He only really appears in this first novella and not in the main story. I want to learn more about him. Breeder was super short and sweet.  As for the main story Breaker, we join back in with Kara and we get to see how things have changed for her a little bit since the situation in Breeder. She is still very shy and reserved and in her shell. Then things begin to slowly unroll for her in a negative way. This book has multiple POVs and we are given almost everyone's motivations for what they are doing and then everything else within this book. Th