The Life of a Mafia Princess

This was a quick read...or at least it felt like it. I tend to stray away from books that have the FMC being some weak willed damsel that needs to be saved at every turn. Especially when she doesn't try to help herself. This book definitely felt that way in the beginning. I wanted to shake some sense into Charia!! I just wanted her to grow a backbone. Then of course everytime she tried to be defiant it never went her way. From one tragedy to another. I was also thrown for a loop with the men. Like I thought it was going to be the four men and her....then just the one guy and her. Like I was so confused then it went to the three guys and her. My eyes were spinning like a spinning top! She never seemed to really get attached to anyone in particular. Then once I thought she did, she ran away from him! It was strange. Then the reveal of who killed her mother. Whew, I wanted him gone with the quickness. Of course this book ends right as she was going to get r...