For The Love of Demons

This was a very hard to finish book. It didn't capture me like the previous book did. I'm not sure if there was too much going on or if this was just a transition book. Aria felt very lack luster in this one and there was no sense of urgency. Since they were on the hunt for the relics instead of defending from them being taken. Even still it has taken me just at a week to try to complete this book. Aria is still on the hunt to find out who and what she is. The demons are still unsure of whether or not they want to keep her or if they are going to devour her soul before they return to hell. We are also introduced to what appears to be an angel. They've been visiting Aria randomly and then immediately disappearing before she can interact with them. Then she finally meets them. Based off the vibes she got from this person she definitely should have stranger dangered them immediately. Instead she allows th...