
Showing posts from March 2, 2025

End of the Month Wrap Up - February 25

  Another month in the books for 2025!! I wish that I was able to read more books by black authors this month. Unfortunately, I was reading a lot of ARCs this month and getting into March as well. I definitely am going to try to slow down after this batch that I've read so I can dive into some diverse reads. I already have the screen shots of the books I want to read on hand. Hopefully you had a great Black History Month! A reminder to also read diverse every chance you get! Not only during February! With that being said, with this being the shortest month of the year, I only was able to knock out 7 books. I finished one right as the month turned to March. Look for that review in a little bit. I had to put that one on ice since it was for an ARC. I'm going to also be putting out a video version of this review so that you can get a little  more in depth info. It'll prob be a Tik Tok with a short link on Instagram. With that being said. Here are the books that I was able to r...

Curse - ARC Review

In Curse by Gia Detroit we meet Siena who is on the search for justice for her sister who is tragically killed in a plane crash. While there she meets Matti, a mafia capo who is also trying to find out what has happened in the crash. There was a lot but also not much happening in this book. I almost feel like there was a lot of running around with not a lot of substance. The FMC was doing everything but being smart about what she was doing, which caused me to shake my head way too often in this book. Then the miscommunication between the FMC and MMC was just a little irritating. I didn't believe in their relationship at all. Especially since they didn't even really get to speak to each other. They just kinda felt drawn to each other and did the do and BAM. Love. I was like....ummm ok. Especially considering the circumstances of everything. It was strange and unbelievable. Then we have Vin who is the MMC's bestie and also the heir apparent. He not only is apparently harborin...