
Showing posts from August 4, 2024

Forged by Shadows - ARC Review

Wow. I don't know how to feel about that ending. I'm not sure where the author is going to take us from here. I want to learn more about why Wyatt feels the way he does. I mean it has to be more than the obvious because if it isn't then he's just a spoiled brat. Who is the stalker?! What's happened to Nixon?! So many questions! I definitely want to see where this goes from here. Can the group heal from all the revelations that has happened and that is yet to be revealed? This is indeed an interesting group of guys. Dax, Garrett, Axel and Huxley are all unique. Though we get a hefty dose of Garrett and Axel in this part of the book. We also have Avery's best friend Meg. She seems to know more than she's letting on and I'm beginning to wonder how much of a friend she is if she doesn't tell Avery what she knows. The next book is definitely going to be a reckoning. Dax and Huxley almost were after thoughts in the story so I'm hoping we ge

End of the Month Wrap Up - July 24

  We are quickly approaching the end of the year and there is so much going on! School is restarting, the weather is getting crazy for us south easterners and everyone is making the final push on their challenges. Speaking of, I managed to finish mine this year!! I'm so excited about being able to make my goal! I managed to complete 75 books this year! I am know just in the gratuitous stage! Everytime I read another book past that goal I get so excited! I can't wait to do my end of the year wrap up! The categories will be vast and the laughs will come in sounds yet unheard of. Before that though I have to finish up the wrap up for this month!! This month was filled with ARC's and a new found series for me! I haven't fallen so hard for a series in a long time and needless to say, that book and it's author is going to be front and center with this wrap up! So let me refresh everyone on what I read this month! Then before you reach the end try to guess what book and au

Nikolai - ARC Review

 This book started out very interesting! I couldn't believe how crazy things started out when they were in the night club!!  Of course the actions of that night are what set the course for the rest of this story. We meet everyone here who I think is going to be part of the rest of this series. Deacon, Carrick, Jax and Sully. Nikolai and Maddy have instant chemistry with each other and things with them advance pretty quickly. I liked that she took the time to get educated on something before she jumped in fully. Then we see how she is open to exploring things and having open communication with Nikolai. I really enjoyed this part because there is one thing that I hate is a miscommunication trope. Until there was indeed miscommunication. That was probably the most downer part of things once the story got started. Nikolai didn't seem like he could stand on anything. All it took was one whisper from one of his friends for him to be doubting everything even though he was just having