Finding Strength Through The Darkness

This book has been a journey!! From reading the trigger warnings to finally finishing the last few pages. I enjoyed the growth of Adeline. From a woman who was in denial about her feelings to a Trafficking survivor to a warrior. It's a journey many of us hope to never have to experience but since trafficking is a real thing, I'm glad we got to see the other side of it. It was dark and heavy for a bit there when it first started and it never went away but it's the truth about trauma. It never leaves you and the fact that Adeline had someone like Zade is very lucky. He knew exactly what she needed and was that and more. I don't wanna spoil in this review because this book deserves to be read in its entirety for all that it gives. I would recommend this book to those who don't mind reading the heavy and dark stuff because it can be very triggering to read. There is definitely still spice in this book and I loved the moments we got because...