Ice Planet Barbarians - Review

Well, well, well, look what I have gotten to. I started re-reading this book and I immediately realized why I liked it. I mean it really gave the vibe of "this could happen to anyone" with how it starts out. These women were stolen from their home in the PJ's with no understanding of what was about to happen. I think this is like the premise of so many alien movies or thoughts in our heads about randomly being abducted by aliens. Of course there is definitely some triggering things that happen in the beginning of this book. If you can make it past that scene then you will be into cold alien exploring heaven! If you liked Ruby Dixon's dragon books then you will like this series as well. The aliens in this series act the same way as the dragons! I really like that about this book but also there are some differences of course but that just makes things that much more interesting. There is the something that we find out later on about the people of this planet that I h...