Expect the Unexpected

This book was so good but it was predictable. From the moment that we discover that the two characters have the same marks the ending is predictable. Mind you how they got there was the interesting part. I enjoyed the journey even though I knew how things was going to end by the time this book ended. I'm interested in seeing how things progress from here. I have my predictions but since this isn't a spoiler review, I won't say anything. I liked that Estrella wanted more for herself than what was dictated to her but the fact that it was constantly a point of contention was a little annoying. I almost wish they had more petty things to argue about than whether he saw her as his equal or not. I do want more info on some things that happened but I feel like we're going to get that in the next book. The spice in this book had so much potential!! I think my idea of how things should be tainted my view of how they happened. I exp...