
Showing posts from July 28, 2024

Destroyer - ARC Review

I liked getting to see how bad ass Flynn is! We got to see it a little bit in Breaker but it definitely was on full display here! We get a little cameo from someone from Breaker!! I was so surprised to see them! I mean it was super small but it was super exciting to me. Then the dreams!! Omg the dreams! I loved seeing how he was having almost prophetic dreams about his future. It was also pretty cool seeing a different area of this world. We have seen the winter cold and a more northern area and in this book we see a more southern area with a completely different climate. Overall though it was so cool getting to see Flynn being himself prior to how we meet him in Breaker. Even then his past was catching up to him. This book is also more brutal than what we've read in the other books. I would definitely recommend this for an insight into Flynn! Of course no spice in this one but it's a novella on him and his past. Can't wait for Binder!! I'd give this a 4 out

Smog - ARC Review

We finally get a love interest for Deacon! I was so happy when I know this book was coming out! He is probably the most interesting of the 3 siblings and I couldn't wait for more on him. There was so many things that I wanted confirmation on about him and we got some of that confirmed. This book was a lot less edgier than I thought it would be. It felt like it was missing some of the depth that was got in the pervious four books in this series. With Deacon being probably the darkest of the all of them so far I expected a little more. Though depression and the other things that he went through were definitely tough. I didn't think we really got much into what his wolf can do. I was waiting for a moment where he "got it" like everything made sense and him and his wolf just meshed and became even more of a force to be reckoned with. I don't think that ever came to pass though. I almost felt left on a cliff hanger with the ending. Also, I know we all as readers hate t