So Much Pain

This book continues right where the previous book left off, almost without a hitch. I will admit that there were some people that were brought up that I had completely forgotten about. I wish that books had like a glossary or somewhere where they give a synopsis of what happened in the previous book. I was able to remember some things and things started to click. I do feel like this book was definitely more jambled than the previous book. In the first book you had the feeling that there was a definite destination and that the author had things planned out for how she was going to get us there and the reveals were happening at just the right time. However in this one, I felt adrift and like there was not a clear destination for this book. Clearly there was still the big bad that was Ravena and then the two Noblesse who left at the end of the previous book and the trauma that Isolde was dealing with when her father tried to murder her. Of cou...