
Showing posts from June 16, 2024

Isle of Seduction - ARC Review

This book was a good read! I really like books that SHOW you the characters falling for each other. There is that in spades in this book. We see how each character are their own person and how they are able to mesh with each other. I really loved getting to know Andrea and Giulia. Family is very important to them both and again that is shown rather than just told to us. I liked that Giulia was force to be reckoned on her own and being with Andrea just enhanced what was already there within both of them. The banter between the two of them was also very funny to see. They were both getting on each others nerves! I was laughing at some of their interactions with each other. The mystery that developes later on was also interesting! There was multiple things going on and it was hard to seperate them from each other (for the characters). I didn't even guess that things were going to play out how they did!  It's so rare that there are instances that things are not super pr

Making the King - ARC Review

    This book started out a little slow but it definitely picked up around the middle point. I liked getting to know Rocco and Cara. They both had a story to tell and I'm glad that they eventually took the time to get to know each others story. What made this story a little slow in the beginning was the fact that we didn't really know what Rocco's deal was and the way that they were with each other was just...weird. Also Rocco is just the leader of his little group but they are led by Dante? we did get a chance to see them in action but they just seemed like a random group that is just out here doing vigilante stuff. I thought it was strange that everyone knew where to find them and they didn't seem to have any place that was really secure. The fact that there were some young guys as the security for Rocco's house was....interesting. I did like that because they weren't a huge organization they knew everyone and had a close knit family. I am interest

Dario DeLuca - ARC Review

This was an interesting read. I feel like some of the story was a little convoluted at times but shined in other places. I didn't really like the first spicy encounter that Dario and Mia had. It was a strange experience to read and i don't know how to accurately explain it. I also didn't feel like they really got to know each other before they started throwing around the L word. I also thought that Mia's anger was a little misplaced. I could understand not liking Dario for his career choice but I feel like the reasoning she used was incorrect. I think this book felt like moments. Things happened but the in-between moments were lost.    The main saving grace for this book was the spicy scenes. They may have felt just kinda placed there but they were nice. The only one that wasn't was the first one. The rest were kinda hot. I give the spice a 3 out of 5. As for my overall experience with this's probably closer to a 2 out of 5. I enjoyed the s