April End of the Month Wrap Up '24

This month is finally over! I can't believe that things have gone by so quickly!! Alas though, I have managed to beat my record from the 2 previous months. I have 13 books read this month!! I want to do better or at least reach the same level this month! I read so many ARCs this month!! I can't believe that I have so many! On top of that May is looking to be another ARC heavy month as well. I can't express how much I appreciate these authors for giving me the chance to read their books. No matter what I rated them, big congrats to them for even making it as far as getting published!! With that being said, I had some books this month that are grappling with each other for the spots that I ended up putting them in. I will explain in my breakdown which ones were battling for which spots. I also wanna say that there are some authors that I will definitely be adding to my follow list! Let's get into it! Here are the books that I read for the month of April!! Best Voice Act...