Tempt Me - Review

The next series that I decided to take on in my re-read sessions was the Wolf Hotel series by KA Tucker. This series was one that I devoured when I originally read it so I wanted to see if it still hit the same as then! This first book definitely has taken advantage of the naive virgin trope and really let it go full tilt. We meet Abbi as she is going through one of the worst moments in her life. She just found out that her fiancé cheated on her. Of course she comes from a super religious background meaning that they feel like it's ok for the man to do this while she must remain chaste. I mean all the things that young adults get into are things that she was forbidden to do, whether it was drinking, partying or wearing and talking about certain things. Our girl is oblivious. So when she runs into the one and only Henry Wolf, who has done just about any and everything, she is intrigued and curious. I liked that the FMC wasn't someone who fell into her upbringing heavily and did...