End of the Month Wrap Up - March Edition

Well, another month down in 2024! It has been a very eventful one for me on a personal level but anything worth having is worth fighting for right? Well I am fighting for this Goodreads Challenge!! I have been consistent and trying to make sure that I take every opportunity to complete all the books that I have started. There are some of them that unfortunately just don't make the cut sometimes. There are some that grip me and give me the biggest book hangover!! I like to tell authors that no matter what us as readers think of your book, take pride in the fact that you were able to get the story out of your head and onto pages! Heck many of you even managed to get published! Whether it's through your own means or if you are traditionally published, congrats to you! That takes a lot of courage and perseverance. With all this being said, I managed to read 12 books this month! Which ties last month for the most books I've read this year! I wanted to out do myself this month bu...