End of The Month Wrap Up- September '23
We are here again with another End of the Month Wrap Up. It's crazy to say that I can't believe it again but we have burned through this month in a blink. I have gone on a trip and come back and here we are, at the end of the month once again!! I didn't do as much reading as I wanted to since I fell into a slump during the middle of the month. Still all of the books that I read were interesting in their own way. So let's see where all these books fell this month!

Favorite Character: Avery- Avery from Wonder Light is my selection as favorite character of the month!! I loved that she decided to take some time for herself and do something crazy. Sometimes doing something different can be just what we need to shock our systems and can reset us. Especially when we you go through something traumatic. I also loved her location choice! Most of the places that she went to in this book are places that I also visited. Her personality was almost exactly like my own. That's why I choose her as my favorite for this month!
Spiciest Book: Slash or Pass- These 3 had some super spicy scenes and I was loving each and every one of them!! I do look forward to more from this author as well as maybe in this series? I'm not sure if it is or not. Though I received this book as an ARC and man was it worth the read!! I definitely recommend this book!
Best Storyline: Wonder Light- Not going to lie to you, this book was nearly perfect to me. I loved every second of this book. It gives so much!! There is healing, understanding and so much growth from both of the characters. They are both flawed and yet are able to come together and be their best selves with each other. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I hope that the author gives us more. I really want to read some about the other characters that we meet in this book. A very highly recommended book for me!
Author of the Month: Tina Spencer- I read this book because I signed up for it as a tour read but I would definitely pick up more from this author because I really loved her writing style. I like books where there doesn't feel like there is anything that was unnecessary in the book. Everything that happened here felt like it should have been there. Honestly I don't really have any complaints about this book. I nearly gave it the full 5 stars. There was just the random reason for the MMC not telling the FMC who he was, that was the only thing that was a little lackluster for me. Definitely highly recommend!
Book of the Month: Wonder Light- This probably seemed like a forgone conclusion because it won almost every category I had. I really enjoyed this book and I hope that a lot more people get a chance to read this book and enjoy it as much as I did!
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