Savage Fae Review

  The way this book ended blew the other book out of the wayer!! We are on the brink of an internal war within one of the gangs and man, this has made things interesting!! We got some new reveals from the Gareth from the grave. My main suspects from the first book are the same. I still believe that the principal and Cindy Lou are involved with Gareths death. I've added rat guy as well Nightshade to that group after this book. I'm trying to stay relatively spoiler free in this review so no big time reveals but..omg. Finding out that Ryder was caught for doing something naughty previously was crazy!! I was very shocked! All the characters have begun to grow on me but none more than Leon Night! He's the sweetest little lion!! We get to get some more insight on him in this book and I was here for it. Actually we kinda got more insight on all the guys in this boom. They've all melted a little bit more for Elise. It's just been such a fun ride and I'm looking forward to more!
    The spice was SPICING in this book! Whew. It went from a small fire to a raging I see you Dante! I'd definitely give this a 5 on my spice scale. I loved every smexy scene in this book!! Overall I have this book a 4. I enjoyed it, even though it did have its slow parts. I did kinda skip paragraphs at some points but it was still a good read. The mystery and intrigue is so good!! I'm on the recommend this book train right now!


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