Binder - ARC Review

Yall, I try not to be long winded when I do my reviews because I don't want to spoil you. Also I try to be a raving looney toon as well but this series is going to probably have the longest reviews I've written. When I say that I am head over heels for these characters, this world, the story. I truly am. Once again we are back in this world meeting so many new faces and some returning! I was so happy to see that Rogan was back! I knew it would throw an interesting wrench between Kara and Flynn and boy did it!! Rogan was just someone who was there briefly in the Prequel Breeder, but he was important to Kara. The fact that he disappeared after what happened in the prequel was investing to me and he always lingered in the back of my mind but never,  did I expect his return to be what it was!! I definitely hope we get a story on him! I just know he has an amazing story to tell!! Cal, is still a wild card for me. There are some people who have lived a long time in this series and Cal is one of them. Not to mention this new character, Mother, is definitely involved with him somehow. I'm very intrigued. Speaking of, what an crazy powerful person she must be!! The game of chest that she's playing with all her little pawns with Cal is fascinating. I want to know more!! Lot....sigh. I have so many feelings about Lot. He is such a bad father. Like, terrible. He has not redeemed himself in my mind and his actions in this book have kept him firmly in my #parentsbehavingbadly list. Regal and Ielle make an appearance in this book and if they have no haters then I'm in a coma. I despise them both. Everytime something worked out in their favor I shook my fist at the sky. When they had a set back, I did a proper jig to celebrate. Flynn, our dear Flynn, has to do and be everything that he doesn't want to be. The best leaders are those who don't want it but are amazing at it right? And he is just that. So many realize it and even though he has a not so stellar reputation to rehabilitate, they recognize the leadership qualities leaking from him. See this has already been long and I haven't even said how I felt. I loved this book. If it wasn't for work I would have devoured it in probably half the time it took me.  Also apparently sleep is irrelevant because I had zombie eyes for 2 days because I just couldn't put this down. The depth of this story and the little details make reading this such an enjoyable experience. I read every thing. The blurbs at the beginning of the chapters, the epilogue and prologue. Everything. I can't get enough. I super, highly recommend this series. I mean you can dig your teeth into this baby and just enjoy the ride. I didn't want to get off. When I hit 100% I was sad. Now to wait for the next installment. 

You know Kara and Flynn kept it spicy right.  They couldn't keep their hands off each other. I definitely didn't want them to either.  5 out 5 on the spice.  Overall, 5 out 5. Only thing that would have made this better was if it didn't end. I know some might not enjoy how political things get (not like real world politics). I mean Flynn is upgrading and to keep those he love safe, that includes being a politician. He's good at it and has real world knowledge to lend to people who have grown so out of touch. Fantasy readers will love this,  spicy romance readers will love this and everyone should love this. Highly recommend. Pick this up now and don't forget the prequels because they will add to the experience!! 


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