End of the Month Wrap Up - March Edition

Well, another month down in 2024! It has been a very eventful one for me on a personal level but anything worth having is worth fighting for right? Well I am fighting for this Goodreads Challenge!! I have been consistent and trying to make sure that I take every opportunity to complete all the books that I have started. There are some of them that unfortunately just don't make the cut sometimes. There are some that grip me and give me the biggest book hangover!! I like to tell authors that no matter what us as readers think of your book, take pride in the fact that you were able to get the story out of your head and onto pages! Heck many of you even managed to get published! Whether it's through your own means or if you are traditionally published, congrats to you! That takes a lot of courage and perseverance. With all this being said, I managed to read 12 books this month! Which ties last month for the most books I've read this year! I wanted to out do myself this month but ya know, life happens. Hopefully next month I can maybe crack 13. With that being said, let's get to the wrap up! Here's a recap of the books that I read this month:

Best Quote: From God of Malice-“Hi, hello? Are you there? I swear you bitches will be the death of me. One is a mafia princess, the other is suicidal, and this one lags.” This had to be the funniest thing I have read in awhile. This quote just fit so perfectly in the context of what was happening that just every time that I think back on what happened this quote makes me laugh! I really enjoyed the characters in this book. They were unique within the story and almost all of them managed to stick out in their own way.

Best Voice Actors: Hooked- There were so many different accents happening in this book that! The fact that both of these voice actors were able to sound like these characters with their differing accents was amazing! I can appreciate the effort that was put into this and the ability to switch back in forth in such a smooth manner! This is going to be a new category that I utilize since I am starting to listen to audiobooks as well as the ebooks and the physical books that I own.

Top Baddie: Dutch & Dom (Down for the Count)- As I stated in my review of this book, S Marie knows how to write a bad guy. These villains always have you questioning how the heck our fave people are going to get out of the situation that they are in. That definitely makes itself known in this book. Once the reveal of who Dutch is to Sawyer, we feel the despair of the characters. I definitely was thinking about how the heck they were going to get out of this, I couldn't sleep until I found out. You'll have to pick this one up to see how they managed it....or did they?

Best Book Cover: God of Malice- I'm usually not one for people on the covers unless it is unique but this model?! OMG He embodies what I think Killan would look like. The gaze just draws you in and you just know this man is about to ruin your life and you're going to let him. These black and white covers do it for me for some reason. Not to mention the only color that sticks out really is the read of the title....it just perfect. It's simple yet perfect for what the book is. I am definitely buying these covers before they go out of print!

Favorite Character: Glyndon (God of Malice)- This was another great character in an amazing book. I really liked how Glyndon was able to develop from the woman that we met at the beginning of the book to the glowing and confident woman that she became by the end. She embraced herself and was also able to forgive herself (forcefully) by the end. I also liked how she was able to accept Killian for the crazy that he was and found the little bit of crazy in herself as well. Hopefully we get more glimpses of her and Killian in the next books in this series!

Spiciest Book: Breeders- This book was HOT! It was hard to choose between this one and some of the other books I read this month but the scenes in this book were amazing! Like whew. I can't express how much I really liked the scenes in this book. They were very well down and really made me realize how much I really like the omegaverse genre! Faye is a new to me author but I am definitely looking for more from her and this series!

Best Storyline: God of Malice- This book never really pushed the breaks. It was on go from the very beginning. This is what I'm looking for from a book. It doesn't have to be at this pace but I don't want any lulls in the action and the story. Whenever books get that lull where you as the reader have the ability to focus on other things without even being upset about not reading the book....that's a problem. I want to be hooked from the beginning and ride that wave until the end. This book gave me that and more! I was intrigued by not only the main characters in this book but also by almost ALL the ones that we met! I was so captivated by the story that was being told that I want to also learn more about the characters that came before this. Hello Rina Kent's backlog!! It's me, I'm about to devour you!

Author of the Month: Tina Spencer- I bet you are wondering how I got here. You expected this to be Rina Kent...nope. It's Tina. I loved this book. Almost all the categories that God of Malice won was a tight race with Shattered Obsession. The characters in this book were amazing. The way it read was amazing. The CLIFFHANGER...omg. I was not ready. I just...I'm obsessed. I don't know how I managed to choose both of these amazing book but my GOODNESS they are amazing. I feel blessed with by the book deities. I never thought I'd read a hockey romance but once I saw who wrote it...I just knew that I had to give this book a try. And I definitely was NOT disappointed. Pick this book up now. Also read her other book Wonderlight. Like...OBSESSED OK.

Book of the Month: Breeders- Another shocker huh. I know. I had to give this book of the month because it was such a good opening to a series. I like being introduced to new worlds and thinking about something differently. This took the omegaverse world and did something different with it. I usually am not a fan of there being multiples in this genre but it worked in this book. I almost put this down because I was upset when I got to the first scene and they explained how things worked....but then I continued and realized that this is still just a MF book. Things made sense after it was explained. I want to know more after reading the ending. I want to see the rest of this world. I think that's the best way to get to book of the month. Make me want more. This book did that and more. I will say it was still a tight race with God of Malice and Shattered Obsession but...still I liked this book so much!! I want more from all 3 of these and I can't wait to read it!


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