New Year, New Book Challenge

 2022 Book Challenge 


   Well another year another book challenge, this year I will again be trying to complete my book challenge for GoodReads. Last year I had a challenge of 100 books. I was very surprised that I didn't manage to make it. For a few years prior to this I was able to complete my challenges and there was way more books on my challenge

then. Many people are always commenting on the fact that they don't want to do book challenges because they read for pleasure, well even with this challenge being something that is big on my radar, I definitely still read for pleasure. I do try to complete it and maintain my integrity with the reads that I do choose. So in other words, the challenge makes things that much more fun and interesting. I'm going to continue to use my blog here as somewhere to post the reviews that I have for those books in the challenge. At the same time I also want to use this blog to post more interactive things and try to make things that much better in 2022. I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to read my blog up until this point and to support me with my reads! I am definitely going to try to make things that much better for you. 

          I'm looking forward to reading more books by Indie authors and trying my hands at some more   ARC reads that I can't wait to share with you guys!! I'm definitely going to try to have something     coming out more often. That means even trying books that I usually wouldn't go for, like some         more thriller reads and even more reads by POC authors. I may even be able to share some of my own personal writings that I have been sitting on for awhile. I'm also looking for some recs from you guys! Give me some books that have inspired you, kept you up at night and left you drooling for more!! I love getting sucked into series that help me escape from everything else that I have going on! Reading is pure escapism for me so, lend me your favorite standalones and series!!

        I have also started a Twitter and of course I have Facebook and Instagram. If you want to interact with me more then please look for me on those platforms! I'll post the links here so that you can find me everywhere you find any type of book interactions!!





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