Midnight Mayhem - ARC Review

In the conclusion of the Clover Pack series, we see Rowan and the gang fighting against Cas and Queen Tantii. The stakes have never been higher than they are in this book!! The ending was so beautiful!! I really enjoyed seeing everyone get their happy ending. Of course we couldn't get here without some heartbreak so prepare to cry a little while reading this one. Rowan managed to come into her own along with some of the other characters. I'm sad to see this world end but happy to have been on the ride!! 
   The spice in this book, follows the trend of the others and is very, very light on the spice. We do get smexy time with Rowan and Callan but that's it. I give it a 2 out of 5 for spice. Overall I give this ending a 3 out of 5. I wanted a little more bonding with Callan and Rowan than what we got. Them finally getting to books is overshadowed by everything else happening in the story. There is a lot happening in the story though I will say that. From challenges to saving the realms, everything gets wrapped up in this book. I just wanted a little bit more from each major event that took place. I would still recommend not only this book but this series to anyone looking for their next shifter read! Goodbye for now Rowan and Callan!! 


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