Breeder and Breaker - ARC Review


So...I really feel like I'm going to like this series. So I'm going to start with the novella prequel to the main book. In Breeder we meet Kara and see how things started out for her. Things are not going good for her and it just seems like she wanted to claim something as  her own and she is able to do that. Unfortunately that also comes with consequences. I liked this mini story. I hope that we get more from Rogan at some point. He only really appears in this first novella and not in the main story. I want to learn more about him. Breeder was super short and sweet. 

As for the main story Breaker, we join back in with Kara and we get to see how things have changed for her a little bit since the situation in Breeder. She is still very shy and reserved and in her shell. Then things begin to slowly unroll for her in a negative way. This book has multiple POVs and we are given almost everyone's motivations for what they are doing and then everything else within this book. This world seems so vast and amazing that I can't even believe that that all of this happened in one book! You can tell that this was very well thought out and all things seem to flow extremely well together. This book played out like a movie in my head. Like there was so much details that it was just rich. The world has so much to offer that I can't believe that this was all in just one book. Like seriously, I had to check multiple times that there wasn't more than one book in this story. It was just a lot of lore! It is so easy to get in touch with the characters, even though some of them we still aren't really sure of their motivations. At first, I thought Rogan was going to be the main MMC in this book until we meet Flynn. Now he is a tortured character. He left the only life that he knew after suffering the loss of his mother. He was on a spiral of destruction and ended up imposing self exile on himself. He expected to stay that way for the rest of his life until he met Kara and then everything changed. 

The power system that this story has is complicated yet not. I'm still trying to place some things in my mind about how things work in this world yet there was so much information given! I have so many questions!! The detail to every class that gets detailed in this story is so interesting! I ended up reading each of the little blurbs at the beginning of each chapter just to get an insight into what was going on. Little bits and pieces are dropped here and there and I was eating up the crumbs of information and filing them away for later. Though I almost want to write a companion guide for this while I am reading so that I can keep track of everything. The ending was almost like a cliff hanger but not. There are questions that still need answers, there are events that still need to be explained and characters that have endings that aren't tied up. I need to know where things are going!

The spice in this book was A M A Z I N G! I really enjoyed every single scene. I definitely know that AK Nevermore is not going to hold back when it comes to the spice and I was here for every moment. Flynn and Kara can't keep their hands off each other. I feel like there is more to things than just that and I really want to know! I give the spice in this book a 5 out of 5. Overall I gave this book a 5 out of 5 as well. I just really enjoyed this journey! There was just so much! I felt like I was getting whiplash from all the information! It wasn't given in a way that was overwhelming but at the same time the devil was in the details. I can't wait for the next book in this series. I was already trying to sneak peeks at the listing on Amazon. I highly recommend this series! It's amazing! 


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