End of the Month Wrap-Up - May 2024

 I feel like I just made my last end of the month wrap up and here I am again doing another one. The time is passing by so fast and yet I have managed to read all the books!! I'm swimming in my own version of a book readers heaven. I have ARC's from new to me authors and I have some oldies but goodies from some of my favorites! I enjoyed all the books that I had the opportunity to read this month and I can't thank these authors enough for taking the time to write these amazing stories! I try to make sure that I compliment authors whenever I can because it takes a lot to take something that is in your head and put it out there on paper for others to judge, hate and/or love. So again thank you! I was able to read 12 amazing books this month and I had a hard time choosing where to put some of them. There was so many that were just chef's kiss. I hope that you take a chance on some of these and read what these books have to offer. I feel like I dallied on every side of the fence with these ones! So here ya go. Enjoy this wrap up for May!

Best Cover: Ruin and Rule - I really loved this cover!! There is just something about the way that the tattoo and the bike are displayed with the head down. This is supposed to be Arthur Killian and we know that through out this book he was so down trodden by the past that he could barely see anything else beyond that, even when his future was right in front of him. This just seemed like the best cover to me. It encapsulated a lot of things in it's simplicity. Next for me was definitely going to be God of Pain but not the cover that I have here. The one that is actually on the book that I have is a different cover model. Unfortunately, I couldn't find that one where it didn't have a bunch of editing needed to get rid of some of the things on it. So I just went with the one I found.

Top Baddie: Azar - This guy had the dragons and their ladies assembling like the Avengers in order to take him out. He was literally out here killing dragons just so he could see if he could make it back home. It was a little insane. He seems to be a reoccuring villain based on how things ended in Fire in His Embrace. This man didn't care about anything except for finding a way to get back home. Not to mention that with his appearance, it draws into question whether or not there are others like him that are also here on Earth with the dragons. So he was a fantastic villain and the worry of him coming back (little to our peeps knowledge) is something that made him the top baddie for me.

Best Voice Actors: Twisted (Never After Series)- I have really enjoyed the voice actors in this series. I thought at first that I was not going to like Julians voice actor but he grew on me. I really LOVED the voice actor for Yasmin. I really liked that she seemed authentic to her character origins. I was entranced when listening to this book. I definitely never wanted it to end. So this was my favorite one out of the audible reads I listened to this month.

Favorite Character: Kat (Kit-Kat)- I really liked Kat. Even though she has been thrown for a loop ever since this series started she has managed to stay true to herself. The scorpio in me loved that she was willing to take out some women for trying to be all over her man. Then when she confronted him she made him prove himself...which led to some very spicy scenes. I think that Kat would definitely be me if the same thing happened to me that she's going through. Curiosity did kill the cat though so she needs to be wary!! I can't wait to read more in this series and get to hang out some more with Kat and Grim!

Spiciest Book: Twisted - I actually have a tie in my head with which book was the spiciest to me this month. Twisted came out the gate swinging with the scene where Julian was watching Yasmin with her man at the time. That was H O T. I was blushing in traffic while listening to this! BUT Kat and Grim said they are not to be outdone!! The roadside bang session was also hot! It was at the beginning of the book as well. Anytime these two went at it, it was H O T! I loved reading this book! Not just for the spice but for the plot that was also going on!

Best Storyline: Twisted - This book is going to get a lot of accolades from me in this wrap up. I really liked the storyline! The acceptance and the healing that went on in this book, I think was the most in all of this series so far. Yasmin and her father being able to reconcile even at the end when he was dying was great! Julian realizing that he needed to leave behind the toxicity of the relationship that he had with his mother was another great thing that happened in this book. I really, really liked that. It showed growth and it gave both characters a chance to heal from wounds that they didn't even know that they were carrying around. 

Book of the Month: Twisted - There isn't really much else to say about this book other than it was really good and one of the highlights of the month for me. I really enjoyed everything about it. The spice, the story and the voices! I would definitely recommend this book and this series to anyone who loves things being turned on it's head and getting something a little darker than the Disney stories that we have grown used to.

Author of the Month: Emilia Finn - I love giving new to me and indie authors their shine in spots like this. I really liked the two books that I read from this author this month! I'm definitely going to be adding her backlog to my TBR because I just really enjoyed just about everything about the books! I was so happy to be chosen to be given an ARC of her book! I went back and read the first book in the series and now want to hit up the other series that is connected to this one! These brothers are so interesting!! So if you need to add another mafia romance to your list of reads then I definitely suggest this authors backlog! I can't wait for more from this author!!


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