How to Dump a Vampire - ARC Review

 This was a good read. I enjoyed the story and how the characters met. There were some moments where I wished that I too could be trapped in a cozy little bungalow with my fated mate. It was just very cute how things began for these two. It was definitely nice to see the FMC be the stronger of the two characters. Thorn definitely had a rough time of things and you are able to understand why she has the reaction that she does when it comes to things with Draven. There were some things that I didn't enjoy as much, like at times it felt like things were kinda dragged out alot. I think that there were definitely some moments that could have been cut and it wouldn't have really hurt the story. I enjoy a book where every scene doesn't exist to further the plot but at the same time too much of that can make everything feel a little...fat. Like there was some unnecessary fat that probably could have been trimmed to make things flow better imo. It almost felt like I was reading 2 different books at times. The transition from them being in a fairy tale cottage to then being in a castle was almost jarring. I enjoyed the characters we met there but it still felt very...jarring. I know that we were going to have to go back there at some point but I think I wanted to go back more than Draven did! The first portion of this book is where things really shines. 

The spice was pretty meh. It was definitely not a super spicy read. They was definitely some things that happened but it wasn't super descriptive and felt like an after thought. Definitely a 2 out of 5 on the spice scale. Overall I gave this book a 3. I liked the beginning of this book a lot. Once they returned to the castle...not so much. I can't even pinpoint a real reason why. It just felt like the magical part of the story was happening in that cottage and once they arrived in the castle everything turned black and gray and boring. I wasn't even interested really in the mystique of whatever the father and brother were doing that was so damaging to the kingdom. It was just an event that led to the end of the story for me. It didn't feel epic. That's what I think I was looking for. I was definitely invested in the love story though. I wanted them to be together and for Thorn to kick some butt for her man! I think that this story was a little slow for me However I do think that it's a good read and that the things that I didn't like would be perfect for someone else. As all ways read this book for yourself!


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