Broken Whispers - Review

 This book was just what I needed to take me out of my reading funk! I burned through this book in what 2 days...maybe 1. This book was such an interesting read! It truly was almost like beauty and the beast! I would definitely say that this book was a little sweeter than I thought it was going to be. Mikhail and Bianca had such a beautiful story and just meshed together very well They both had scars that the two of them had to get over for the other. For Mikhail is was the scaring to his body and for Bianca it was the let down of no longer to do what she loved, ballet. I was also very glad that the FMC did not shy away from the life that the MMC led. Instead of trying to change him and make him better, she accepted that this is  the life that they are going to lead and she just needed to make sure that her man was taken care of and felt loved. I find myself kind of rebelling against the idea that these women are meant to change these men who have led these dark lives for all their lives into these law abiding citizens. When you met them they were dark and that's what you fell for. Don't go around changing the man into some househusband! So when Bianca decided the show her claws, I reveled in it! No damsel in distress here! Yes they were both still able to have soft sides that they showed to those that they cared about. They do fall for each other rather quickly but I also think they were both predisposed to falling for each other. Storywise, I do want to see how things are going to play out from the things that happened at the end of this book. There was something pretty significant that I kinda have an idea of what is going to happen but I'll know for sure once I start the next book which I definitely am. 

The spice in this book was ok. One thing that was a characteristic of the first book in this series that I read is that the spicy scenes don't really last that long and aren't really graphic. Though I will say that the chemistry between these two made me wish that it was both longer and very much more graphic! I give this one a 4 out of 5. I liked it more than a 3 but I do still wish there was a little more to the scenes. Overall I'd give this book a 4 out of 5. I really enjoyed the characters, the story and just everything! I liked the fact that we still got a glimpse of the characters from the first book in this one while we were also introduced to new characters. It did progress the story of the Russian Bratva and I just...yes. Like. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys stories with that beauty and the beast vibe. Since this book is on the shorter side, there really isn't time for miscommunication and any other floof things to be included so it stayed pretty straight forward and I really appreciate it for that. Definitely on my recommend list.


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