End of the Month Wrap Up - September 2024

 Here we go! It's the end of the month again. I feel like I blinked and the month was over!! I read some pretty amazing books in this month! There is one that I haven't done the official post for but the review is up already and this book is my top for this month! I loved it!! Stay til the end to find out which one!! So, also some updates for next year! I'm investing in getting some upgrades so I can improve my content creation! I want to have more interaction with YOU my fellow readers, as well as just plain having fun making fun stuff for the things that I love. So look forward to that! I've also been contemplating adding to my platforms with Tik Tok! I'm thinking up some content that will not only help my fellow readers but also the authors who are just some exposure away from achieving their dreams. You'll slowly start to see me adding more content to my Bookstagram as time progresses and eventually I want to reopen my book club! Wish me luck and drop some ideas in my comments! I want to know what you would like to see! But none of this would be possible without the amazing authors who have taken the time out to shower me with love by giving me their books to read as ARCs! I appreciate ya'll so much! Without further adieu, let's roll back the curtains on the books that I've read this month:


Favorite Character: Shara Isador - I love this woman. Like she is one of my favorite characters! She went from being a weak character who was on the run from thralls to this bad ass queen that she is at the end of Queen Takes Queen. She only has room to grow more and I know that she will. I really just can't wait to re-read more of this! If you're looking for a bad ass FMC who grows into her power then look no further than to SHARA FREAKING ISADOR!

Best Voice Actor: Ruthless King- This is how I always imagined audiobooks being made. This duet narration was PERFECTION. Like I want to listen to ALL of my books like this. It was freaking awesome. Add this with the graphic audio and I would never NOT listen to audio books!! I loved the story and I loved the audiobook version of this book so much! The actors were fantastic and I will definitely listen to them more if I see them.

Top Baddie: Mother (?)- I'm not sure if this is even her name but this is what I remember her being called. Like what?! Omg she's probably one of the biggest villains I've read in awhile. She is out here manipulating SO many people. It is insane! She is killing folks from afar and using their family members as pawns. It is absolutely crazy. She is definitely trending as the top baddie of the year.

Prettiest Cover: Queen Takes Queen- This cover is gorgeous! I absolutely love this cover model. I love the cohesiveness of the covers and how you can just tell that Shara is getting stronger and is now believing more in herself. The guys have her back but soon she is going to be able stand on her own. These are the best covers I've probably ever seen.

Spiciest Book: Queen Takes Queen- I was waffling back and forth with this. Most of these books were pretty spicy. I think it also goes to what I think is perfect. Like the chemistry, impact on the story and I guess the last thing I went for was frequency. Queen Takes Queen hit on almost all these categories. I enjoyed how the spice is tied into the story and it was overall just good. The only book that I think hit on almost all these categories as well is Binder. We got some FF action in this book and I loved that for us.

Best Storyline: Binder- I love this book and I'm going to try to not have a complete gush session with this book but yeah here we go. I love Flynn and Kara. Like they have easily become my favorite couple. Even though they haven't known each other too long, the way that they are able to care for each other and are growing individually has been great to see. Watching how the characters are also being pushed by the other characters around them has been fan-freaking-tastic. Like I seriously can't say more about how much I love this series. I feel invested in ALL the characters. Like all of the main characters have something going on that I just am hooked in. They have a story within a story and I am greedy in how I eat it up. Without this turning into a mile long paragraph about my love of this book and series, it's great and is HIGH on my recommend list. Start it now.

Book of the Month: Binder- No surprise here. This book was leagues above in my mind. I feel like I had a book hangover after I read this book. I was inhabiting Glynfylls and I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to say good bye to Kara and Flynn. Like, the highs were so high for me in this book. I felt emotion in almost every scene. Whether it's being angry with some characters or being excited and happy when the things I wanted to happen with characters happened. I just love this book and once again can't help but RECOMMEND this. READ IT. So you can gush with me!

Author of the Month: AK Nevermore- I mean....it's a sweep actually. I have enjoyed reading this authors books and they have easily become some of my favorite reads. Katherine gave me laughs with Grim and Kat while Kara and Flynn have me ready to fight everyone for them. Not to mention I love that I get to have interaction with this author! I know that not every author can achieve this but when you love a book/series and are able to speak with the author, that just makes the love that much more. I appreciate that mini small infinitesimal conversations I've had with her has definitely had me star struck! So definitely add this author to your rotation. Not only has she been an amazing but these books are AMAZING!! START THE PRICE OF TALENT SERIES NOW!! I look forward to more from this author! 


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