Isle of Seduction - ARC Review

This book was a good read! I really like books that SHOW you the characters falling for each other. There is that in spades in this book. We see how each character are their own person and how they are able to mesh with each other. I really loved getting to know Andrea and Giulia. Family is very important to them both and again that is shown rather than just told to us. I liked that Giulia was force to be reckoned on her own and being with Andrea just enhanced what was already there within both of them. The banter between the two of them was also very funny to see. They were both getting on each others nerves! I was laughing at some of their interactions with each other. The mystery that developes later on was also interesting! There was multiple things going on and it was hard to seperate them from each other (for the characters). I didn't even guess that things were going to play out how they did!  It's so rare that there are instances that things are not super predicatable so this was a nice change from how things normally are! I think this book was done amazingly well. I know this is a book 2 but I want to read the first one which I believe will be Pierce and Lana! This series is definitely going to be one that I look out for. There is a confirmation of at least 2 more books in this series! 

The spice in this book was pretty hot as well. I like that it meant something when they finally got together. It made the spice that much better once it did come. I would definitely give this a 3 out of 5. I did want a little bit more. Not like there was missing scenes, I just wanted more mmmphhh. It was still hot. Andrea has a dirty mouth on him! Overall I give this book a 4 out of 5! I really enjoyed the story and these characters really seem to be made for each other. I am invested in the series and I want to read on and read the first one. My only gripe with this book was there was some scenes that weren't necessary. Like I know why they were added but there wasn't enough progression to the story to make it matter. So it just made it feel like padding to the story that was already pretty good. It allowed for there to be some lulls in the story that might make you want to skip through certain parts. It only took away minimally from my overall enjoyment of the story. I would recommend this to anyone who likes mafia stories with good banter and strong FMCs. Get this book now! 


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