Making the King - ARC Review


  This book started out a little slow but it definitely picked up around the middle point. I liked getting to know Rocco and Cara. They both had a story to tell and I'm glad that they eventually took the time to get to know each others story. What made this story a little slow in the beginning was the fact that we didn't really know what Rocco's deal was and the way that they were with each other was just...weird. Also Rocco is just the leader of his little group but they are led by Dante? we did get a chance to see them in action but they just seemed like a random group that is just out here doing vigilante stuff. I thought it was strange that everyone knew where to find them and they didn't seem to have any place that was really secure. The fact that there were some young guys as the security for Rocco's house was....interesting. I did like that because they weren't a huge organization they knew everyone and had a close knit family. I am interested in seeing how things go from here now that they have a new venture that they are undertaking. Cara was such a BA chick! I really enjoyed how she was able to stay right there with the men the whole time. Getting her revenge on those that hurt her was BEAUTIFUL. Though I do feel that we didn't get enough of her relationship with her brother. There was some more dialogue that I wish that we could have gotten. As far as the relationship between Rocco and Cara, can you say DEVELOPMENT!! I really enjoyed how their relationship was able to grow and they helped each other with their trauma! 
     As for the spice, it was definitely nice! Once these two actually start communicating with each other then things are able to progress in that area. They are both very open with each other and allow each other to learn to love each other the way the need and want to be loved. There is definitely some super H O T scenes in this book! I give this book a 4 out of 5 on the spice scale! Overall, I give this book a 4. It's on the lower side of the 4 since there was some more things that I wish was developed a little bit more. I think that the side characters were interesting and I really want to see more from Gray and Cain. I almost thought we were going to have a thruple situation with Cain for a second. I'm glad that we didn't but I almost wouldn't have minded. :-) Though I do want to know more about the background between him and Rocco. I would definitely recommend this book! It has definitely made me want to read the rest of the books in this series! They've all been added to my TBR on Goodreads! Pick up this prequel now!!


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