The Final Hunt - Review


This book is not usually one that I would pick up but my partner convinced me to give it a try. Throughout this entire thing I couldn't help but gasp....not because I was shocked but because the FMC kept doing everything that you shouldn't do in a book. Everything is going to come back to haunt you in the long run. The way that this book ended made it seem like the actions that this woman decided to take is going to do exactly that. This book is just....crazy. There is a woman who discovers that her husband is actually a serial killer....of course this is after he gets mauled by bears. It also shows how much the media and the invasion of privacy can drive a person crazy. Sometimes a story isn't worth someone's sanity and the media don't get that sometimes. So we see that play out here. Then of course the court of public opinion is also brought out. Luckily there is a good detective who is able to find out the truth of things. Not of course before things get taken into the hands of the characters in this book. I was very surprised with how things turned out when the story moved to Alaska. I think that there is definitely going to be something interesting happening when we get to that in the second part of this story. Yes there is a part 2. I didn't there would be but then the way this ended and then the fact that I partially spoiled myself...let me know that indeed things would continue. The main story does get wrapped up in this first book but there are some loose ends that our main character didn't expect to leave hanging that is out there. I think that it will be interesting to see how things develop. I do have a theory. I will put it in it's own little paragraph so you can skip it if you want to. Overall I give this book a 3. It was interesting but it wasn't like mind blowingly amazing. I enjoyed the foray into something different than what I was used to. I'm undecided on if I am intrigued enough to jump into the next book.

So my theory is that there is something up with Dan. He just hopped into feelings for the FMC way too quickly. Then he finds out that she killed both of her previous husbands essentially and he's ok with it. This happens in a matter of days. He just throws away his duty as a cop and then decides to cover things up for her. Move her back to his home in Alaska and she just was like...yeah...this isn't suspicious at all. I think Dan has some skeletons in his closet just like John did. Not to mention I want to know what Miles's wife is going to do. I mean she just found out that her husband was also an accomplice to murder and then he gets murdered by his friends wife. It was just alot. I also think that the cop that was investigating the murders by John is going to find his body and know that the MC had something to do with it. He's going to move the investigation to Alaska and then Dan is going to cover things up. In the process of him covering this up, other things are going to come to light that is going to be just as crazy as this first book proved to be. 


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