End of the Month Wrap Up - July 24


We are quickly approaching the end of the year and there is so much going on! School is restarting, the weather is getting crazy for us south easterners and everyone is making the final push on their challenges. Speaking of, I managed to finish mine this year!! I'm so excited about being able to make my goal! I managed to complete 75 books this year! I am know just in the gratuitous stage! Everytime I read another book past that goal I get so excited! I can't wait to do my end of the year wrap up! The categories will be vast and the laughs will come in sounds yet unheard of. Before that though I have to finish up the wrap up for this month!! This month was filled with ARC's and a new found series for me! I haven't fallen so hard for a series in a long time and needless to say, that book and it's author is going to be front and center with this wrap up! So let me refresh everyone on what I read this month! Then before you reach the end try to guess what book and author it could be! Here we go:

Favorite Character: Kara Jester (Breaker) - I loved Kara!! She was someone who wanted more for herself in a world that told her that she was only good as a breeder. When she was able to take matters into her own hands she did so. She was able to fight for herself even though things seemed bleak and met the man of her dreams. I can't wait to watch more of her growth as the series progresses!

Prettiest Book Cover: It Kills Me- So, I will be honest, I initially had to get this book simply because of the cover. The model is handsome and the simplicity of the black and gray contrast with the red just pulled me in. It definitely just feels very old time mobbish. Since that's almost exactly what this book is about (the mob not the old times) then I just HAD to pick it up. I am glad to be back on the Penelope Sky train and look forward to seeing how this series progresses.

Top Baddie: The Source (Breaker)- The source is just a terrible place where money talks and they don't care about what happens to the people that they experiment on. This is the bad place for sure. The people here do not care about the people that they experiment on and only see them as commodities. Since they have so much money and power they control a large segment of the world. It is interesting to see the ins and outs of how they work and get some historical information to back it up. This world is one that I have really enjoyed diving into!!

Spiciest Book: Breaker - There was definitely just 2 books fighting for this spot and it was this book and My Bloodline. While I liked the scenes in My Bloodline, they just couldn't top the absolute chemistry between Kara and Flynn. In My Bloodline, the FMC is already a BA character and she just adds the guys to her already stacked arsenal. I definitely liked this book and looked forward to continuing the series but the spice in Breaker hit a different spot for me. Kara is someone who was sheltered her whole life and so with her finally gaining her freedom from the Source she is spreading her wings. Flynn is someone who was running from his past and the mistakes that he'd made, but by taking on this random job everything for him has changed. The way that they collide and almost instantly start to make their mark on each other made the spice just hit that much harder. Either one of these books though will definitely have you having to make your excuses to run to the bathroom to fan yourself. 

Best Storyline: My Bloodline - This is another one where I was conflicted on which one of these to choose from. What put this one a little bit over the top was the mystery. I am so intrigued with where things are going. I want to know more about Parkers dad! Like what is his issue! What does the rest of the guys that Luna knew previously know about her real parents and her past! Like I was on pins and needles by the end of this book! With Breaker, I'm still extremely curious about how things are going to go in the North but the story just had so much things in it that the ending actually felt more satisfying. I felt ok with how things ended. I know that there is more to come but the ends don't feel as loose as they do with My Bloodline. Either way both of these books are high on my recommend list!! 

Book of the Month: Breaker by AK Nevermore - This book is over 400 pages of just amazingness. I can't put enough really's in a sentence to express how much I enjoyed this book. Normally it's hard to get into such a densely packed book with so many different POVs but to me it felt almost flawless. This definitely felt like a labor of love that I really enjoyed. Every character is interesting. I want to know ALL of their backstories. Any of them could have a full fledged interesting spin off. This is just from book 1. Like, I found myself eating up every bit of information that was given. From the little introduction notes in the beginning of the chapters to the novellas that have been prequels for Flynn and Kara. I mean literally, I felt like I was in a movie with all the top actors and I wanted a piece of everything they could give. Pick up this series now! The two novellas are free on the authors website and Breaker has almost hands down been my favorite read of the year so far!

Author of the Month: AK Nevermore - Surprise!! This was almost obvious. Breeder, Breaker and as of writing this I've also read Destroyer, have been some of the best reading I've had in awhile. Usually when I'm done with a book, I almost forget the characters names and some of the things that happen in the book if it was an ok read. Even some of my 5 star reads leave me within a few weeks but I read this book at the beginning of July and it still lives rent free in my head. I want to do a re-read just to go through and notate some interesting things that I've found in the book. And I'm not a notator. Everything about this story has resonated with me and I am in love with this series already. I already know I am going to be sad when this series ends. I can't wait for more this author and they are definitely on my one-click list! 


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