Dark Wolf Soul - Review

I enjoyed this book immensely! I have a soft spot for shifter books. PNR just is my jam and this has multiple elements of that and add in mafia? Like, I don't know why I never thought to see these two things mixed together but after reading this book it just...makes sense! Lexi is a woman living day to day trying to make ends meet. So when she gets kidnapped and is told that in actuality she is mafia shifter royalty. She is completely taken aback. I think she has the reaction that any person would have in that situation. Since she was brought up the way she did, it just didn't make any sense. She questioned everything and tried to make sense of the mess that was becoming her life. Of course the answers that she got were not what she thought she would get. This time instead of parents behaving badly (in her case) we have grandparents behaving badly. We all try to find a sense of family in life and when she does it...it does not have the desired affect. Then we have our handsome kidnapper himself, Grey. He thought that he was going to be able to drop and run but instead he's been drawn back into the world that he hoped to escape. Then we get the most awful trope ever of parents behaving badly....A LOT. Like what the hell is wrong with these people. Like can you say, no type of parental instincts what so ever. Like, thank goodness you stopped at one kid type bad. Like whew. It's rampant. Like they all drank a vat of bad water at the same time and they were like...those kids? Don't need em. They treat their kids worse than enemies! My goodness. Now I don't actually think this is a trope but it's something that I started because some parents in books are either great or they are dumpster fire bad. Like not the writing for them but as characters and people. They are trash can individuals. It's on display heavily in this book. I liked getting to see both Lexi and Grey fight against these badly behaved people and I look forward to reading more about their triumph (hopefully) against them. This book ends on a cliff hanger mixed with betrayal. Which Heather, ma'am, we need to have a conversation. I need to know why this person betrayed Grey and Lexi. I was truly surprised. The group that they surround themselves with seemed so loyal so this was....out of left field.

The spice in this book was meh. I don't know what it is about the writing sometime. Like not bashing but sometimes a scene can have the potential to burn the sheets up but other times there is something about how it is done that just doesn't hit for me. This one didn't really hit. I loved it for Lexi and Grey because it felt like a long time coming but idk. I give it a 3 out of 5 for spice. Now the actual book itself. 4 out of 5. I liked it even though Heather broke my heart at the end. I'm open to forgiving you....maybe. Depends on how the next book goes...jk. I'm definitely interested in reading the second book and I HOPE this person has a good reason for this. If not, I hope Lexi knocks them right on out the next time she sees them. I don't have anything negative to say about this book. I liked it. Definitely would recommend. This is more for the shifter girlies but the mafia brides will love this as well! Pick this one up now!!


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