Bound by Obsession - ARC Review


Well that was quite the twist at the end. I kinda was expecting it but not to the extent that we got it. Like there were a lot of reveals in this book. I really thought that I figured one of them out but the other one was a surprise. I'm going to let you marinate on which one of those it is until later. Come back and let me know in the comments which reveal was the most surprising to you. There is enough character development that happens that you kind of don't notice that things feel a little stagnant otherwise. Like, finally getting some confessions from some of the characters felt almost cathartic after everything that has been happening. Other than that though, the storyline of things doesn't really feel like it's moved alot. Which left you feeling almost like nothing really happened here. Frederick is still on the hunt for his daughter, they still have no idea how they are being found and lets add on top of that the mystery of why exactly Nixon did what he did. I mean we know the basics but I really want to know what ACTUALLY happened. They just give us the basic story and I feel like the real story is somewhere inbetween those two stories. Nixon is still on the run and not able to tell them anything. That's probably going to happen in the next book. Then I feel like we're going to get some type of resolution with Wyatt. Things are really just intense right now with the group, especially with how things ended in this book. I loved how the dynamics have basically been set, with just a few of them left to fix their issues. 

The spice was nice!! I really enjoyed getting a change to have a group scene with all of the guys! I definitely didn't think that it would happen!! It kicked the spice level up way high. So this was definitely a 4 out of 5 for me. Overall, the spice and the reveals were really what carried this book for me. It took awhile for me to finish it since there were moments where things were a bit slow. So overall, I gave it a low 4. Like if it wasn't for the last reveal, I might have given this a 3. I really want to know how things are going to end in the third book and look forward to it. As always, give this book a try yourself if you enjoy Why Choose academy type romance. There is a little mystery thrown in as well. I would recommend this to those who like that genre!


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