End of the Month Review - December 24


Well cheers to a successful year!! All the holidays and everything going on this year. I will be posting my End of the Year review with some fun categories that will be a little different then this one but we have to send December off with a bang! As the days were getting colder, the less books that I was reading but they were still just as good! I had another full month with no DNF's so I'll call that a month well read!! I really had a great year and I can't wait to break it down for you in my end of year wrap up. For now though, let's recap the books that I was able to read this month!

Favorite Character - Cyan (Legacy of Chaos): I really loved Cyan! Like I felt so seen! Nerdy girls everywhere should feel very seen by her. She was someone who was a nerd who feel for a fellow nerd. She also took no smack and she knew her stuff. I was so glad to get a FMC like her! She really made reading about the trauma that Stryker was going through much more bearable. Not only that but her own grief that she was dealing with was also really relatable. I just really enjoyed her and this book! 

Best Cover - Queen Takes Checkmate: I'm pretty sure that there is no cover that could beat the covers for this series. It just fits so perfectly with the ideal of the story and the just vibe overall. Like every time I see these covers, I'm knocked speechless by how gorgeous they are. I only have the next book that's a part of my re-read series. Then it'll be on to new books in this series or just off to new re-read series. 

Best Voice Actor - Destined For an Early Grave: This graphic audio has yet to disappoint. If the guy who voices Vlad doesn't also voice him in the Night Prince series, I'm going to be so disappointed. Like his voice is amazing and is definitely how I will eternally picture Vlad sounding. The entire production for this particular book was so good. I felt the emotional toll that Cat and Bones were going through in their voices and I loved that for us readers. Hands off to everyone who was a part of this production!

Spiciest Book - Bespelled: Memnon and Selene, left no corner or surface untouched in this book. I was so glad that they were able to get beyond the issues that they had in the first book. As a team they were formidable in every aspect that you can think of. That includes, spicy time. Memnon is just whew....definitely shot up on my list of top book boyfriends. He will definitely always be memorable.

Top Baddie - Angels (Legacy of Chaos): I mean, who would have thought that the angels would be the ones on this list? I mean they were definitely out to make sure that no one was having a good time. Their judgmental ways and current warring could cause the end of the world as we know it. Which of course no one wants. Though they don't seem to care and are currently off killing innocent people and those who want to actually help people. You know...doing good...Alas though this series has been so good and it's been great to see characters that we have grown to love. I am thinking of adding the previous series to my re-read list so I can fall for the characters all over again.

Best Storyline - Legacy of Chaos: I really enjoyed this series. I loved how the name of this story had a significant meaning to the characters and literally to maybe a future character. I can't wait to see how that all plays out. Then the storyline of all the different characters right now is just amazing to try to keep up with. I really do recommend this series to people. It will not disappoint. If you are a fan of this authors previous series then you will definitely enjoy seeing some old favs here.

Book of the Month - Bespelled: This book definitely picked up where the previous one left off and gave me all the feels. I really enjoyed it. We get to see the darker side of both Selene and Memnon in this book. Even though the ending left me questioning whether Selene was going to well and truly be mad at Memnon. I can't wait to get this prequel to this series and then continue on with the next one. This book just set the stage for how amazing this couple has the potential to be. World beware. Highly recommend this series!

Author of the Month - Larissa Ione: I have been really enjoying this return to form for this author. Legacy of Chaos was one of my favorite reads this year! I really hope that everyone gets a chance to enjoy this author and this series. I have loved her books since she was releasing the Demonica series and quickly devoured just about everything that I could find of hers. She was definitely on my insta buy list. I mean I had all of her Mass Market Paperbacks for her series. Of course now they are lost to the sands of time but they will always remain in my memory. I'm glad that I've had a chance to ARC read for her! It has almost felt like a dream come true. Enough fangirling though, seriously pick up her backlog so you can start the Birthright series! You don't need to but it'll make everything that much more enjoyable!


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