Hunted by Fate - Review

This is the second entry in the Alpha Territories series and I really enjoyed the first book. This second one however, not so much. I felt almost lost in the sauce. There was the main story of the evil brother who killed the dad, then finding Jordan for Sienna, a classist love story between a Prince and a maid and finally we get whatever the heck Sienna is. The fact that no one has said what she is yet, but everyone just knows she's other was kinda annoying. Then the fact that she has this complex where she thinks that she knows what's best for everyone. I understand that Jordan might have a disability but this man says that he wants to stay and loves it there and she just won't accept that. She can't even see beyond her own prejudice against the other creatures despite it being proven time and again that she too is other. It made me want to scream and shake her. Then Bee... being a jelly belly was just not it. You can't claim to be a bestie and be that jealous. The story at the beginning was slightly confusing as well. I guess it was a fake out explanation.... which I guess. Dom was one of the least annoying characters in the story. I appreciated him for everything that he did and felt betrayed like he did. I also thought Scarlett was a traitor from the hit she delivered so I want surprised by that reveal. 

The spice was OK. I was glad they consult got together but that's about it. I'd give it a 3 out of 5. Overall, this book was a little disappointing. I had more hopes for it based on how good the first book was. I want to find out what Sienna is exactly but with how things are looking at the end of this book...idk. I'm on the fence about continuing this series. I might wait for a bit to read the next book. It was an ok continuation. I'd preface any recommendation of this series with that. Fantasy and shifter lovers should like it if anything. 


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