Overlord - ARC Review


Wow. I need a moment to marinate on what just happened. Kara...girl...idk what to say about her right now. In this book she was able to get some great things accomplished  but also....that ending. Had me like...AGAIN?! Flynn was out here kicking butt and taking names. Of course there was the typical political drama *eye roll*. I almost wish that Flynn would just embrace being a dictator. The way things are up in Glynfyls is enough to make you want to smack someone! There is also so much clarification that we get in this book. We get more information on all parties. I mean from more clarification on the who all the Overlords previous have been to more information about the Original Houses. I was very interested in all the little bits of information we were able to get. This is one of those series that you HAVE to read the blurbs at the beginning of the chapters. It gives you so much information and context on what is about to happen that, if you skip it, you miss things. Another great entry in this series!

The spice in this book was ok. Due to all the craziness that is happening, not to mention Kara's health issues, there isn't a lot of spice in this book. So for the spice, I give this book a 3. When it happened, it was definitely spicy! Flynn and Kara always serve us when it comes to the spice. Overall, I give this book a 4 out of 5. I really enjoyed this entry. Getting to see everyone's perspective in this series has made things so interesting. It has made me root for characters that if this book was just in one or two people's perspective, I wouldn't like as much. Fitz, Marcos and Nora, are all side characters that got spotlight and enabled us to see and experience things from their eyes. Cal, Rogan and Mother also gave us their perspective on things. It is just amazing seeing how all the little pieces are coming together. I can't wait to read the next novella and the last book in this series. I'm not ready to say good bye to these characters nor this world. I can't wait to see where this goes. Even though this book definitely ends on a cliff hanger that had me CONCERNED and a little UPSET. We will see how things go. 


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