I enjoyed this book in a weird way. Not a bad weird, just weird. Like this book is definitely a thick read. So, that was one of my negatives for this book. It was long and it didn't really feel like it needed to be. So what ended up happening is that it felt like some of the changes the characters had emotionally were drastic at the end due to the build up taking a long time to happen. Another side effect of this was that there wasn't one concrete issue. There was multiple issues that made things seem to drag on. It made it seem like there was no end in sight or that the ending that we were going to get was going to be unsatisfactory. The only other negative I have is that if I could shake the FMC or give her some head smacks, I definitely would have. Some of her actions just made me wonder if she had common sense. Then she kind of wised up towards the end...a little. Other than that, I enjoyed this read. Like Maddox was a good MMC and everyone else you meet are characters that you get invested in, whether they are good or bad. I really wanted to know how things were going to work out with Maddox and Allyn seeing as she was engaged to Maddox's brother. Luckily things did end up working out for them. The road to getting there was quite the rollercoaster. There was a lot of emotions that were happening on both sides of the equation. Whether it was from the King's or from Allyn's family.
The spice in this book was Hot!! Like whew. Maddox and Allyn did not come here to play. The tension was high and the scenes were great! Solid 4 out of 5 for the spice. Overall, I enjoyed this book despite the fact that it felt like a southern preacher who just hit his second wind. It was enjoyable and I would probably read another book in this series and from this author. I would give this book a 3 out of 5. Though what happened to Tamara? As I'm writing this I just realized that she kinda disappeared into the ether after Allyn was [redacted]. She never really brought her up again or anything. Despite there being some time in between. Anyway that's a major side bar. I would recommend this book to those who like mafia and dirty unapologetic MMCs. I really loved how these two ended up together.
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