Destined To Fall - ARC Review

 This book was really, really good. I laughed, I cried, I shouted out loud. The banter between the characters and how the FMC was depicted was done very well . I enjoyed the story that was told and how it was almost a role reversal. I won't spoil what roll that is but it was nicely done. This story was able to capture the tight rope and skill that so many sex workers have to walk daily. Whether they are a professional high class worker or one that is just on the edges of society. The things that we see Vivienne go through in this book. What made it so amazing is it could be applied to you even if this isn't the profession that you choose. Everyday we deal with putting on a persona when in public, we deal with family drama and sometimes we don't feel like we're enough. Watching Vivienne go through this story and meet Jeremy and everyone else was such a good read. I can't profess enough how much I loved this story. Jeremy being able to see past her profession to her actual self was definitely very nice to see. He was her calm in what would become a storm. I definitely would recommend this story to anyone who is looking for a story about deep connection and how it can come in the least likely of places.

The spice in this book was very...different then what I would normally rate. It wasn't that there was a lack of it, it was that, what was there was not noteworthy. Like yes, there were moments when we see Viv with her clients but it's not news. It's not something to enjoy. It's just kinda...meh. I appreciate how it was done. I would give the spice a 3 out of 5. I almost thought it wasn't going to happen but it did and it was nice and worthy of the characters and the moment. Overall I'd give this book a 4 out of 5! I really enjoyed it. The banter was top tier and I didn't want to put this book down. I think anyone who would enjoy a different type of contemporary read would enjoy this book. It almost flips the script on us with the character set up. The way it respectfully shows sex workers is to be commended as well. Definitely recommend!


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