End of the Month Wrap-Up: May 23

        I feel like every month I end up saying this but can you believe that it is already the end of the month?? I feel like it was just Cinco De Mayo and now it is the end of the month!! I think we got some good reads in this month!! Let's check out what they were!!

Gilded Cage by Nicole Fox 

Terms & Conditions by Lauren Asher

Shattered Vow by Eva Chase

Heir to the Eternal Throne by Emory Gayle

Carnage by Sarah Bailey

Vicious by LJ Shen 

Spiciest Book-Gilded Cage:

This book packed on the spice between the main characters and I loved it. It did get a Lil place fillery by the end but it wasn't any less hot!! I loved reading their story and am scared of what's to come in the next book but nest believe it's already downloaded!! I definitely would recommend this book to my ladies who love their men dark and dominant!!

Best Storyline- Terms and Conditions: 

This book continues the story of Dreamland very nicely. I loved getting to know more about Declan and Iris. I could really relate to Iris as someone who always puts others needs above their own. It's always hard to make sure you remember self care and that is really brought to light in this book. The lesson of putting your family first over work is the over arching lesson here. Declan learns first hand that not every person can be sweet talked. Sometimes you have to fix you before everything fits where it's supposed to. I look forward to reading the last book in this series to see how things wrap up with the brothers! Definitely recommend!!!

Fav Character- Iris: 

I loved Iris in Terms and Conditions. Like I said previously as someone who puts everything and everyone ahead of myself it felt great to relate to a character who does the same. You also get to see how she works through that because at the end of the day you HAVE to make sure that YOU are OK. You won't be able to take care of everyone if you are broken down. In this case, everyone is Declan! The relationship Iris has with her mother and grandmother was also very relatable and I enjoyed the banter between them! Overall more characters like Iris please and thank you!!

Author of the Month- Lauren Asher: 

I will admit that this one was difficult but sp far this series has been enjoyable and this book did not disappoint at all!! I look forward to reading more from this author so be on the look out!! 

Book of the Month- Terms and Conditions:

Come on ladies and gents, act surprised like you didn't know this one was handsdown going to be my pick! I can't express how much I enjoyed this book!! There were some things that could be better as is the case with just about any book, but it didn't make this less enjoyable! I'd recommend this series to anyone who is looking for a cute office romance with an infuriating handsome and blunt MMC!! Check it out and I'll see you next month with the next wrap up!!


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