His Crimson Mask Arc Review


   Whew,  this book was long. Like, let me check what percentage I'm at long. I definitely think there was a lot of it that could have been cut out and the story would have been better. It had moments where it shined through the meaty parts but then there was also times where it bogged down really badly. I liked the story of Nikolai and Meko. It just didn't feel like a romance for a lot of it.  It went from one place to another quite often and I didn't really know what to focus on. The issue of the necromancer, the disappearing vampires, the journal,  Mekos mom, the Romance... it was just a lot. Nikolai gave me severe whiplash. Like Meko even pointed it out and I felt it as the reader. Because of that I never felt like there was a point you could see where they fell for each other for real. I don't know if the whole sunlight thing was addressed in a previous book but the fact that there was no explanation about that was... different. 
    The spice... was ok. At first I thought this book was going to burn my pages down,  what with them getting it on quickly.... but no. Definitely didn't happen. They had this moment and then nothing for a long time. It started to feel like a YA book at some points. Then the fact that Meko was "pulsing" every other sentence made me wanna throw something. I just needed different words used because I was over her and this pp. For spice I'd give this a 2. It was nothing to write home about but it wasn't terrible. Overall I'd give this book a 3... barely. I liked some points of the book when things were hitting, but when it dragged,  it dragged.  I wish some things were cleaned up a bit more so the book flowed better. The characters were all interesting and the play between them was great.  Like, I like Zera and Meko together. They were hilarious and made me laugh out loud quite often. I'm not sure if I'd recommend this book to others. Maybe just as something to consider but not as a "you have to read this" type deal. 


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